Biometrics FAQ Consular Services

Biometrics FAQ


What is biometric enrolment? 

Biometric information refers to your fingerprints and a digital photograph of your face.

Does the requirement apply to all visa types? Does it apply every time you make an application?

This requirement will apply to all visa types: short stay, long stay and transit. It will apply to all visa required nationals located in India. It will not require when it is mentioned in your online Visa Application.

Does it apply to all applicants? 

Some applicants will be exempt from the requirement. The list of exemptions is set out below. If one of these categories applies to you, you will have the opportunity, when making your on-line visa application, to indicate that you are exempt.

Where do I enroll my biometric information? 

If you are required to provide your biometric information as part of the visa application process you must attend at a visa application centre. When you attend the visa application centre, you will need to provide your biometric information, which includes a digital photograph and a digital scan of your fingerprints. Your digital photograph must be taken with full face and without sunglasses or tinted spectacles, or head covering unless it is worn for religious or medical reasons. Your face should be clearly visible with no hair across the eyes. The collection of your biometric information at a visa application centre includes a digital finger scan (all 10 digits). The finger scan procedure uses an electronic scanner. No ink, liquid or chemical is used. You should ensure that your fingertips are free from any forms of decoration (for example, henna), cuts, abrasions or other markings as these may affect your ability to provide acceptable finger scans. 

Where can I complete this procedure?

You will be able to enroll your biometric information at the Visa Application Centre after you submit your application.

What happens when I enroll my biometrics information?

Enrolling your biometric information is a quick and clean process. We use the photograph submitted to us on the application for a facial scan, capture the facial image and then you put your fingers on a glass screen to be scanned - there is no ink or mess. We are aware of the need to protect the dignity, privacy and modesty of applicants, and there will be special arrangements for applicants where needed.

How long does it take?

The biometric enrolment process takes up to 5 minutes.

What about any medical or physical conditions that may require special arrangements for the applicant?

If you or any dependents who are applying with you have a medical or physical condition which may require special arrangements to be made in order for your biometric features to be recorded, you must obtain a letter or other document giving the details of any such condition and enclose it with your application. Appropriate documentary evidence would be a letter from a treating clinician, such as a practicing doctor registered with the General Medical Council, giving details of the condition and/or special needs and explaining any arrangements that may be necessary.

What happens if I refuse to give my biometrics?

If an applicant fails to make arrangements to provide their biometrics their application will not be accepted.

Biometrics FAQ